半馬拉松接力賽2014成績 Half Marathon Relay 2014 Results


日期: 2014年10月12日(星期日)

(補賽日: 2014年10月19 日)

時間: 早上8時起跑,7時開始登記

地點: 大埔大尾督水壩

賽程: 半馬拉松接力賽, 由3人輪流跑約7公里完成

路線: A點起跑, 跑至B點折返, 在A點交接及衝終點 (A->B->A, 交接, A->B->A, 交接, A->B->A)

隊伍: 每隊由3人組成, 必須是男女組合隊. 可以是兩男一女, 或兩女一男

比賽時限: 全程2小時

年齡限制: 最少15歲(2000年1月1日前出生)

隊際組別: (所有年齡以年份計算, 例如, 1974年出生就是40歲)



以隊際時間總和(包括交接棒時間)計算, 每組別首3名隊伍獲獎





HKD1800 及3隻NewBalance 運動錶




以個人時間(不包括交接)計算, 以下名次獲獎




截止報名日期:2014年9月12 日 (名額有限, 額滿即止)

網上報名: 已經截止報名


查詢:電郵 [email protected]





*水站設於 起點/終點,約2公里和約5公里位置。

*比賽成績將會在 www.rrac.org.hk 網站公佈。

*若比賽當天早上六時後懸掛八號或以上颱風、紅色或黑色暴雨訊號,當天比賽將會取消,並改在補賽日(2014年10月19 日)進行比賽。報名費將直接轉往補賽日, 而不會作退款之安排。




1. 每一位跑手必須帶上肩帶,並在接力區交予下一位跑手。沒有帶上肩帶的隊伍將會被除消資格。

2. 每隊的總時間為以下的總和

a. 每位跑手的時間。

b. 第一位跑手交接第二位跑手的時間,第二位跑手交接第三位跑手的時間。

3. 每位跑手的時間是以走過A 點的計時地毯開始計算, 直至回到A點計時地毯。此時間會用來計算個人奬項。

4. 跑手如未能完成整個路段 (A點->B點->A點), 個人資格將會被除消,隊伍的成績會被列為不能完成。但隊伍內其他跑手的時間還會被計算到個人奬項。

5. 跑手如需要中途退出比賽,請把肩帶交予附近工作人員,工作人員會知會隊伍內其他跑手繼續完成賽事。其他跑手的時間會被計算到個人奬項。

6. 比賽當日如隊內有跑手未能出席,其他跑手可以繼續比賽,跑剩下來路段,但不可以代替缺席跑手出賽。完成時間也會被計算到個人奬項。

7. 如果下一位跑手的開始時間早於上一位跑手的完成時間,隊伍的資格將會被除消。


接力區是一個迴旋處. 跑手快到接跑區時, 工作人員會叫其所屬隊伍號碼. 下一棒跑手須到迴旋處旁邊等候. 上一棒跑手進入迴旋處後, 以順時針方向走(圖一), 直至遇上下一棒跑手. 下一棒跑手接過肩帶, 須繼續以順時針方向離開迴旋處(圖二) 。



About the Race

Date: 12th October 2014 (Sun)

(Fallback date 19th October 2014)

Time: Race starts at 8am, registration starts at 7am

Venue: Tai Mei Tuk Reservoir

Course: Half Marathon Relay consists of 3 legs, each leg is about 7km long

Route: Start from point A, run toward point B and return, change over to next leg in point A (Start A->B->A, change over, A->B->A, change over, A->B->, Finish)

Team: Each team consists of 3 runners of mixed genders, either 2 Men 1 Woman or 2 Women 1 Man.

Time limit: 2 hours

Age limit: At least 15 years old (born before 1st Jan 2000)

Team categories: (all ages are count in the unit of year, e.g, born in 1974 means 40 years old)



Total time of all runners in the team (including change over) ranked in top 3 in each category.

Special prize will be given to the overall first 3 teams

Overall Champion

Overall 1st runner up

Overall 2nd runner up

HKD 1800 and 3 New Balance GPS watches




Time of each individual runner will be counted for individual prizes. Prize will be given to runners as stated in table below:

Individual categories:


Entry fee:Each team $540

Entry deadline: 12th September, 2014 (on first come first serve basic)

Online entry: Application closed

Mail entry: Application closed

Enquiry :Please email to [email protected]


*Once the application is accepted, entry fee is not transferable or refundable

*Participants must show the confirmation letter and HKID card (or passport) when collecting the number bib and sash

*Baggage area will be provided and the organizer will not be responsible for any loss. Plastic bag will not be provided for baggage storage.

* Water Stations are located at Start/Finish, at about 2 k & 5k points

*Result will be announced at www.rrac.org.hk

*If Typhoon No. 8 or higher Signal, Red or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted after 6:00 a.m. on the race day, the race will be postponed to the next Sunday(19th Oct 2014). In any event, entry fees will not be refunded.

*Souvenir T-shirt will be given to the participants on the race day on a first come first serve basic. T-shirt will not be distributed after the race day.

Race Arrangement


1. Runner in each leg must wear a sash during the run and hand it off to the next runner in the relay zone. Runners running without the sash will be disqualified.

2. The total team time is by adding

a. Running time of each runner in each leg; and

b. Change over time in the relay zone for 1st to 2nd leg and 2nd leg to 3rd leg

3. Each runner’s individual time is the time between crossing the starting and finishing line in point A. This will be counted toward individual prize.

4. Runner failed to run the whole route, i.e Pt A-> Pt B-> Pt A, will be disqualified. His/her team will not be counted towards the team prize, while other runners’ time is still eligible for individual prize.

5. If a runner wants to redraw from the race, he/she has to hand over the sash to a nearby official. The official will then notify the start point to let the other runners of the team continue with the race. The other runners’ time is eligible for individual prize.

6. If any runners in the team cannot show up on the race day, other runners of the team are still eligible to join the race. Their times are eligible for individual prize. However, they are not allowed to run the leg of the absent runner(s).

7. If the runner of the next leg starts earlier than the current leg’s runner crossing the finish line, the team will be disqualified.

Arrangement in the relay zone:

The relay zone is in the form of a roundabout. When a runner is approaching, our officials will announce its team number. Runner of the next leg should wait in the edge of the roundabout. The runner should enter the roundabout and run in clockwise direction until meeting the runner of the next leg (figure 1). After handing over the sash, the next leg runner continue to run in clockwise direction and leave the relay zone (figure 2).

Figure 1

Figure 2